It has been quite an interesting few weeks.
The Monday after I last posted, I had my first crash on my new-to-me bike. What it boils down to is that I just came around a corner too fast, hit a combination of gravel and a pothole, and ended up sprawled on the street tangled in the bike frame. Thankfully, I wasn't hurt seriously, but I did have enough soreness and bruising that I ended up taking the week off to recover. Could I have run through it? Probably after a few days, sure. Do I regret taking that much time? Not in the least. I am a full supporter of the following idea: while some kinds of pain are your body becoming stronger, there are other kinds of pain that are your body telling you something is wrong, and there's no shame in taking the time to rest and recover and make sure things are truly OK again before you pick back up. As for me, the deep purple and blue all over my knee didn't scare me, but the swelling did, and I didn't want to risk having something worse happen closer to race time by not taking care of it now. Icing, fluids, rest, and some walking got me through that week, and then I stepped out the next Monday to start over. Aside from a little residual soreness, my knee felt fine, and now it's 100%. It didn't even bug me on my 7 miler on Saturday.
I also had a bit of ankle trouble yesterday. While it did frustrate me, I stopped my run where I was, walked home, and immediately wrapped and iced it. 80% of it being me not wanting to make it worse for the long run here, 20% being so that I wasn't in a boatload of pain in my wedge heels I'm wearing for a wedding I'm standing in Saturday.
OK, so on that note:
Month to date: 22.8 miles. It's low, but I did lose a week, and I have 9 more days to get the miles in.
OK, I'm off. Have fun, kids!