Tuesday, November 9, 2010

11/9/10--I've Got a Fever...

Today's run: 6 miles
Week to date: 9 miles
Month to date 16.5 miles

It is an absolutely fabulous morning!
I can't lie--Houghton is pretty.
Weather before I left:

I decided, between the beautiful weather and my apparent issues with overdressing lately, that I would try wearing shorts. Besides--this could be one of my last chances to run outside not dressed like this: 

So, this is what I wore: 
(My half-marathon shirt!)
I finally made it out on the longer run that I have been wanting to do for a while. My 6 felt fantastic!

In other news, I came to this realization yesterday: 
It's true!
I have a friend right now who has baby fever really bad. One of her friends from back home and several of our friends from college have had babies in the last year or so. She and her husband (also a friend of mine) are taking steps toward beginning that process--looking in to buying a house, setting up savings, and a few medical steps as well. They're not quite there yet, though, but my friend is chomping at the bit to get started.
Then, there's me. I've just watched my little sister, one of my favorite bloggers, and a whole boatload of celebrities I look up to run marathons. I'm kind of preparing myself for it: I spend time researching races, logging miles, and taking on core and other strength training. I'm not quite there yet, though, but I'm chomping at the bit to get started.
And, I realize that it could happen within the next year. I could find a training plan, a race, and hit it next summer. However, I really want to be smart about this, and I respect the race enough to want to do it right. I got this advice from Coach Mom a few weeks ago:
I think it is so cool that you want to do a full! I suggest you do one more half and try to take some time off that 2:02 you ran. it will help you build up strength and help you better handle the muscle fatigue that comes with a full. i would suggest adding some core exercises and leg work to make your hips and back stronger. after watching you and your "pain" level after you finished i think it would really help you run a successful marathon. shoot for taking about 10 minutes off that half time! then gooooo for it dude!!!! i know that you can do it but it is a whole different beast!! love you!

So, I'm going to keep that yearning in the back of my mind, and keep doing the pre-prep work--core work, strength training, and (of course) building up my base running.
Is there anything you're absolutely dying to do, but you're just not quite at the right point yet?

OK, it is time for some lunch. Have a great day, all!


  1. Haha! I love how you relate baby fever to marathon fever. I can see how once the bug bites to participate in an event like that it consumes you. That would be really cool for you to do!

  2. Ha ha! That is actually how I looked on a couple of my winter training runs last year! I'm from Minnesota! COLD!! Smart of you to respect the race but I guarantee once you do it you will be HOOKED!! The marathon is my favorite distance! Good luck with the core and strength! It definitely makes a difference!

  3. THANK YOU, I am not alone. I wonder why I don't have the strong desire for kids right now and I wish I could do every marathon out there!! That made my day! You look absolutely adorable in your running gear. You are hard core!


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